2016年11月20日 星期日

Charles F. Feeney ’......56 唐馬丁Martin Tang先生和他兩位姊妹一起捐贈這三百萬美元,Francis Tin Fan Yuen, Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

都是川普的新聞,蠻膩的,改上大學官網,發現咱李登輝總統與蔡英文總統(只有碩士蔡總統博士到倫敦念)的母校,官網頭條新聞,是他們的私立大學的大護法, 70歲的唐馬丁(康乃爾大學的校務基金會的退休榮譽信託人)又捐贈了300萬美金給康乃爾大學,蓋一棟建築, 叫做唐馬丁迎賓中心,在康大校園內
不久前,與肝病防治學術基金會公關陳曉萍聊天,才知道知名的防治肝病大使,台大的許金川醫師,創立基金會與擔任執行長多年的許醫師,從台大醫院退休了,獲贈美國來的捐款400萬,約莫台幣一億二,所以,台大醫院對面,公園路30-1號,,現在有一個 好心肝門診, 掛號費只要150元,名醫,看診,台大退休,同班同學,許醫師與他同窗,血液腫瘤科名醫陳耀昌醫師,都在此看診,你到對面台大門診,同樣看陳耀昌,要花460元掛號費,請大家告訴大家,可以立刻省下310元掛號費,如果剛好看肝病和癌症
The gift, which comes from Tang and his sisters, Nadine Tang and Leslie Tang Schilling, responds to a $3 million challenge grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies, the foundation established by Charles F. Feeney ’56 that has given nearly $1 billion to the university over the last four decades. The Tangs’ gift, combined with Atlantic’s, completes the $6 million needed for the project.
“Cornell has long needed a welcome center to serve the tens of thousands of people who visit the Ithaca campus each year,” said Interim President Hunter Rawlings, “and I can’t think of a better name to have on this building than that of Martin Tang, an exemplary Cornell citizen.”
Tang is recognized as one of Cornell’s most active alumni leaders. He is the longest-serving international trustee on the Cornell University Board of Trustees (since 1994) and played an integral role in the revitalization of the Cornell Club of Hong Kong, of which he served as the second chair. He has been a frequent host to Cornell administrators, faculty and staff traveling through Hong Kong, and has traveled around the world on behalf of Cornell.
“I love the physical beauty of the Ithaca campus and have fond memories of Sunday brunches at Noyes Lodge,” said Tang. “My family and I are pleased that future Cornellians and visitors will once again have the opportunity to enjoy the unparalleled view over Beebe Lake. I can’t imagine a more beautiful spot to serve as our welcome center.”
The Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center will be located in Noyes Lodge, originally a dining facility, at the intersection of Central and North campuses and with views of Beebe Lake. The center will provide a highly visible and accessible gathering space for visitors, as well as a resource and event space for students, faculty, staff, alumni and parents.
The project involves three main components: the renovation and repurposing of existing space in Noyes Lodge to serve as a welcome center; a corresponding effort in Stimson Hall to accommodate the Language Resource Center currently housed in Noyes Lodge; and the creation of a significant exhibit within the new welcome center that highlights Cornell’s history, mission and values.

 Mr. Yuen has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Chicago.
Tin Fan Yuen: Executive Profile & Biography - Businessweek

社區貢獻及慈善- 香港賽馬會


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A $30 million grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust will support the construction of the University of Chicago’s global center in Hong Kong, named in honor of University Trustee Francis Tin Fan Yuen, AB’75, and his wife, Rose Wai Man Lee Yuen. The Yuen Center will serve as a hub for scholarship and research in Asia and new programming to strengthen Hong Kong’s social impact sector.

$30 million grant from Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust supports…

