2024年5月7日 星期二

紐約的年度募款實力 2024 How Much Money Did This Year’s Met Gala Raise?


How Much Money Did This Year’s Met Gala Raise?

Ticket prices to the event have sharply risen, making it a fund-raising bonanza for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute.

Not pictured: dollar signs. A lot of them.

This year’s event raised about $26 million for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, according to a spokeswoman. That’s a $4 million increase over last year’s total, and more than double what the event raised a decade ago, in 2014.

The total pummels the philanthropic events thrown to support many of the city’s other cultural institutions. The most recent fall gala for the New York City Ballet raised just short of $4 million, and the American Museum of Natural History’s gala brought in $2.5 million. Even The Met’s other events do not compare: Its Art & Artists Gala raised $4.4 million last year.

“There are very few other events that raise this kind of money,” said Rachel Feinberg, a fund-raising consultant who has worked on galas in New York City including a benefit last year for the Elmhurst Hospital in Queens. “The Met has found this formula that is fantastic for them.”

2024年5月5日 星期日

Robin Williams (1951~2014)、Michelangelo (1475-1564米開蘭基羅) 等人的故事


淡如水; 無限好:陽光穿透今生。送給一些朋友: The world comes alive in a different way...  "Robin Williams (1951~2014)、Michelangelo (1475-1564米開蘭基羅) 等人的故事;The New Philanthropists: The New Generosity"......   


談點homeless (無家可歸者/遊民/街友)   台北龍山寺....  Robin Williams等人的故事;The New Philanthropists: The New Generosity當韓弟預見新慈善家 (2007)


2024年5月4日 星期六

談homeless (無家可歸者/遊民/街友) 台北龍山寺.... Robin Williams等人的故事;The New Philanthropists: The New Generosity當韓弟預見新慈善家 THE NEW PHILANTHROPISTS 2007



談點homeless (無家可歸者/遊民/街友)   台北龍山寺....  Robin Williams等人的故事;The New Philanthropists: The New Generosity當韓弟預見新慈善家 (2007)


NHK Newsline 作一美國Homeless 專題。比起去年,多十幾百分點,又有drug 和搶店之問題,城市“風景”越來越不可愛。這問題很嚴峻。

Robin Williams 1500 homeless

In every movie he filmed he asked the production company to hire at least 10 homeless people. During his entire career, he helped approximately 1520 homeless.

Alongside his friends and fellow actors Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg, Mr. Williams appeared in an annual series of HBO telethons for Comic Relief, a charity organization that helps homeless people and others in need.

“The Fisher King,” as a homeless man whose life has been struck by tragedy. 

0826 2014

The award-winning actor and comedian spent decades working in television and film.
April 27, 2006  Robin Williams had dramatic and comedic roles in his decades of acting. He won an Academy Award for a dramatic role in “Good Will Hunting.” Peter Kramer/Getty Images

View Photo Gallery —The award-winning actor and comedian spent decades working in television and film.
After the In Memoriam segment, Billy Crystal offered a very touching, emotional tribute to his close friend, Robin Williams, who died two weeks ago. “He made us laugh, hard, every time we saw him,” Crystal said.
He told a couple of stories, including one time when he, Williams and Whoopi Goldberg went to Shea Stadium for a Comic Relief event. Williams wasn’t really a big baseball fan (his favorite team was “The San Franciscos”) but he got a kick out of pretending to be a baseball player from Russia.
Williams was also apparently a big presence at Crystal family functions — he bonded with older immigrant relatives “like he was one of the guys,” and make up stories about his past. “As genius as he was on stage, he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine — supportive, protective loving,” Crystal said, his voice shaking. “It’s very hard to talk about him in the past because he was so present in all of our lives.” “For almost 40 years, he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy.”
Here’s an excerpt from the full speech as transcribed by Vulture’s Alex Jung:

Well, as genius as he was onstage, he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine: supportive, protective, loving. It’s very hard to talk about him in the past because he was so present in all of our lives. For almost 40 years, he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy. But while some of the brightest of our celestial bodies are actually extinct now, their energy long since cooled, but miraculously, because they float in the heavens so far away from us now, their beautiful light will continue to shine on us forever. And the glow will be so bright, it’ll warm your heart, it’ll make your eyes glisten, and it’ll make you think to yourselves: Robin Williams, what a concept.
— Billy Crystal

CEO sleep out


Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos and his wife, MacKenzie, will commit $2 billion to fund existing nonprofits that help homeless families and to create a network of preschools in low-income communities. They call their project the "Bezos Day One Fund."


當韓弟預見新慈善家   台北:天下文化,2007


查爾斯.韓第(Charles Handy)
  韓第畢業於牛津歐瑞爾學院,並曾在麻省理工學院的史隆管理學院追隨班尼士(Warren Bennis)、雪恩(Edgar Schein)、阿奇利斯(Chris Argyris)等大師進行組織研究。他是英國倫敦商學院(London Business School)的共同創辦者之一,也擔任過英國石油公司顧問、以及英國皇家工藝與商業協會(Royal Society for the Encouragement of Art Manufacture and Commerce)主席。
伊莉莎白.韓第(Elizabeth Handy)


1 明星球員辦診所 │湯尼.亞當斯(前英國國家足球隊長)Tony Adams
2 銀行家的人生冒險 │大衛.查特斯
3 畫廊貴婦學募款 │莎拉.戴文波特Sara Davenport
4 社區孩子的大玩偶 │麥可.喬治歐
5 從創業家到興商家 │湯尼.福根斯坦
6 大主廚的流浪者菜單 │傑夫.甘賓
7 富商吃不下的頭等餐 │蘭姆.吉多摩爾
8 孟德爾頌的和平續曲 │凱洛琳.海曼
9 運動大亨全球布局 │湯姆.杭特
10 撒哈拉電訊傳情 │穆罕默德.伊伯拉罕(世界上第一個實現手機商業化的電信專家) 
11 爵士身兼平民教育家 │彼得.蘭普
12 用數位連結鴻溝 │克里斯.馬泰爾斯
13 二代企業家的超感官救贖 │佛列德.麥瑟
14 平民建案的大工頭 │尼爾.梅隆
15 科技金童的人生巨變 │丹尼爾.派特(前微軟副總裁)
16 投身世界的夫妻檔 │克利斯多佛.普威斯 & 菲莉妲.普威斯
17 美體小鋪搶救人間 │葛登.羅迪克(美體小鋪創辦人)
18 挑戰高效能公益 │大衛.羅斯
19 希望小店的「天使」金主 │彼得.萊恩
20 來自巴西的慈善天才 │里卡多.賽姆勒(著名的巴西Smeco公司擁有者)
21 從辦市集到說故事 │傑夫.史考爾(eBay創辦人)
22動盪經濟裡的文化守望者 │雅內茲.史柯拉貝克
23 金融先驅管起公益帳 │約翰.杜紹基

  其他像是eBay的創辦人傑夫.史考爾,麥可.喬吉歐(Michael Giorgio)和克里斯.馬泰爾斯等人,在賣掉他們的事業時也都有類似的經驗。他們都非常幸運,能找到自己有興趣的新目標,讓他們能把這種意外的機會或難題,轉變成一種熱情。如果他們成立一個家庭信託基金或基金會,卻只是被動的提供別人贊助,這麼做能否讓他們感到滿意就很難說了。雖然這種做法沒什麼不好,很多人也都這麼做,但這麼一來他們就不會開創新局面了。既然他們希望自己是開風氣之先的人,就必須有這種人所擁有的熱情和投入。

The New Philanthropists: The New Generosity

Charles B. HandyElizabeth Handy
William Heinemann, 2006 - Social Science - 200 pages

Who are the new philanthropists? And how is their philanthropy "new?"
In this inspiring book, eminent management writer and Britain's biggest business guru Charles Handy and his wife Elizabeth, a portrait photographer, have collaborated to portray a new generation of practical philanthropists--men and women who have made their own fortunes and decided to move on from financial success to try to help those in need. They are doing so not simply by giving their money away to charities and agencies but by helping actively, working on the spot with the very people who need their aid, ensuring that the initiatives are sustainable in the longer term. As in their acclaimed The New Alchemists, the Handys have both interviewed and photographed their subjects in order to tell their inspiring stories; from the Sydney restaurateur Jeff Gambin, who personally helps to cook hot and cold menus for homeless people, to Niall Mellon, a young Irish property developer who is replacing shacks in a South African township with breeze-block homes, and Sara Davenport, who sold her art gallery and set up a breast-cancer care center--the Haven Trust--to offer integrated, holistic treatment and support.

Working in a Boston homeless shelter, Nick Flynn re-encounters his father, a con man and self-proclaimed poet. Sensing trouble in his own life, Nick wrestles with the notion of reaching out yet again to his dad.

0809 2013 五

  蘇先生有轉此篇 How do you count the homeless?


 我在那兒有些簡單的解釋和說明 它也牽涉到"可運作的定義"問題以及台北龍山寺的街友之詳細影片紀錄等等

  Hanching Chung 提到... 經濟學人的這篇.剪貼在那. 主要它談的是各國界定"街友"的官方的可運作定義. 台灣的公視月前曾有詳細紀錄萬華龍山寺街友的影片--片中說警方有所有街友的詳細清冊. 而這只是台灣街友的冰山一角.....

Dr. Jong Chen and Mike Williams

Hanching Chung (People 人物) - 
A Doctor's Kindness Gives Homeless Inventor A Second Chance by NPR Staff January 27, 2013 5:20 PM 6 min 56 sec - - - [image: Mike Williams (left) was homeless and broke in Sacramento, Calif., when he met Dr. Jong Chen. Now the two men are working together to develop a portable housing pod for the homeless.] Mike Williams (left) was homeless and broke in Sacramento, Calif., when he met Dr. Jong Chen. Now the two men are working together to develop a portable housing pod for the homeless. Courtesy of Mike Williams In California in the early 1980s, a cracked tooth sent... 更多 »


 里爾克Rainer Maria Rilke作,方思譯,〈秋日  Autumn Day 〉從語詞窺見社會文化的變遷

方思譯里爾克〈秋日〉末段   顯然和英文翻譯有差異和誤解.

"Autumn Day" by Rainer Maria Rilke - poetry on 'The Beckoning'

Rainer Maria Rilke

This translation is by Guntram Deichsel: 

Autumn Day 
Lord, it is time. Let the great summer go,
Lay your long shadows on the sundials,
And over harvest piles let the winds blow.
Command the last fruits to be ripe;
Grant them some other southern hour,
Urge them to completion, and with power
Drive final sweetness to the heavy grape.
Who's homeless now, will for long stay alone.
No home will build his weary hands,
He'll wake, read, write letters long to friends
And will the alleys up and down
Walk restlessly, when falling leaves dance.


2024年5月3日 星期五

感動:愛護紐約市中央公園 (參考: 紐約不完全攻略手冊):年度慈善午餐樂捐聚會 “When she asks for money, you just write a check,” :最佳帽飾創藝交流The Best Headwear at the Central Park Hat Lunch

感動:愛護紐約市中央公園 (參考: 紐約不完全攻略手冊):年度慈善午餐樂捐聚會 “When she asks for money, you just write a check,” :最佳帽飾創藝交流The Best Headwear at the Central Park Hat Lunch

The luncheon is an annual occasion that serves as a trumpet song of spring in the city and a fund-raiser for the Central Park Conservancy. This year, over 1,000 guests, including philanthropists, designers, members of the Central Park Conservancy and overall lovers of Central Park, raised over $4.6 million for the preservation and upkeep of Manhattan’s green jewel.
午餐會是一年一度的活動,它是城市春天的號角之歌,也是中央公園保護協會的籌款活動。 今年,包括慈善家、設計師、中央公園保護協會成員和中央公園愛好者在內的 1,000 多名嘉賓籌集了超過 460 萬美元,用於保護和維護曼哈頓這顆綠色寶石。

The Best Headwear at the Central Park Hat Lunch

Attendees at the annual Frederick Law Olmsted Awards wore their finest fascinators, headbands and bird hats to raise money for the jewel of New York.

By Sandra E. Garcia

Photographs by Amir Hamja

The journalists reported from Central Park for Out & About, a column that covers the events where notable, powerful and influential figures gather — and their outfits.
May 2, 2024

They waltzed down the steps of Central Park’s Vanderbilt Gate on Fifth Avenue on Wednesday morning like Marilyn Monroe in her bejeweled performance of the song “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend.”

But here, there were many more women, each of them escorted by a waiter in a white coat, seemingly floating down the staircase and into the Conservatory Garden. And instead of diamonds, they wore hats or fascinators or headbands made of feathers, Legos and artificial flowers. One was even fashioned as a swan.

The procession that entered the 42nd annual Frederick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon at the Conservatory Garden — or the hat luncheon, as it is colloquially known — donned frocks in shades of pink, orange, lavender, ice blue and Kelly green — enough colors to rival the eggs in an Easter basket.

ImageRena Turner
ImageYelena Feuerman

Michele Brazil

ImageStephanie Pistilli
ImageMandy Speers Volpe

The luncheon is an annual occasion that serves as a trumpet song of spring in the city and a fund-raiser for the Central Park Conservancy. This year, over 1,000 guests, including philanthropists, designers, members of the Central Park Conservancy and overall lovers of Central Park, raised over $4.6 million for the preservation and upkeep of Manhattan’s green jewel.

“It’s a big celebration for Central Park and the people who really love and care for the park,” said Betsy Smith, the president and chief executive of the Central Park Conservancy.

This year’s event, which honored Diane Schaub, the Central Park Conservancy’s curator of gardens, along with the Conservancy’s garden staff, took nine months to plan, according to Ms. Smith. It is the biggest fund-raiser for the park, and the money raised will go toward operating costs for the park, including landscaping and park maintenance.

Former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who arrived after the procession in a navy blue jacket and hunter green tie, is a longtime supporter of the park and a former board member.
“They’ve got to raise money all the time; Central Park doesn’t get enough money,” Mr. Bloomberg said.

ImageKimberly Pitts
ImageJamie Singer Soros
ImageJoyce Kwok

“When she asks for money, you just write a check,” he said, looking toward Ms. Smith as she walked by him to take her seat beside his. “Just say yes. I learned that many years ago from her.”

While some attendees began to take their seats and enjoy their lunch of poached salmon with a kohlrabi and avocado salad, the gowned and the heeled made the rounds.

Abby Phillip, the CNN anchor, said this was her first time at the luncheon.

“I just moved to New York, so it’s quite the welcome to the city,” said Ms. Phillip, who was wearing a lavender dress from Amsale and a light gray fascinator.
感動:愛護紐約市中央公園 (參考: 紐約不完全攻略手冊):年度慈善午餐樂捐聚會 “When she asks for money, you just write a check,” :最佳帽飾創藝交流The Best Headwear at the Central Park Hat Lunch感動:愛護紐約市中央公園 (參考: 紐約不完全攻略手冊):年度慈善午餐樂捐聚會 “When she asks for money, you just write a check,” :最佳帽飾創藝交流The Best Headwear at the Central Park Hat Lunch感動:愛護紐約市中央公園 (參考: 紐約不完全攻略手冊):年度慈善午餐樂捐聚會 “When she asks for money, you just write a check,” :最佳帽飾創藝交流The Best Headwear at the Central Park Hat Lunch“When I lived in New York years ago, I would just, like, ride from Harlem all the way down to Central Park South,” she said. “It’s like therapy, honestly, just to have this smack dab in the middle of the city. It is so beautiful.”

ImageFrom left, Marilyn Kirschner and Darice Fadeyi.
ImageBetsy Smith, the president and chief executive the of Central Park Conservancy.

ImageLuisa Diaz
ImageAbby Phillip, left, with Mireyah D’Angelo.

Ms. Phillip was invited by her friend Mireyah D’Angelo, who was wearing a large fascinator from Eve Bari with shiny black feathers.

For Ms. D’Angelo, a banker with JP Morgan Chase, supporting the park means protecting the memories of her daughter’s childhood.

“I have a 25-year-old-daughter who we basically raised her in New York using the park,” said Ms. D’Angelo, who was wearing a white linen dress. “This is the only way to ensure that this oasis that we have in the city stays beautiful for absolutely everyone in the city.”
While there were no children in attendance, Ylena Feuerman, a jeweler from Kyiv, found a way for her 12-year-old daughter, Mia, to contribute. Ms. Feuerman’s headpiece was made of Legos that clicked together to form flowers. The headpiece was a project she embarked on with her daughter and her nanny, Luda, a year ago.

ImageErin Nance
ImageCathy Engelman

“She painted it and put Legos everywhere,” said Ms. Feuerman, whose sky blue dress featured 3-D accents that were also made of Legos. “This is a message to Ukrainian kids to be safe and be happy.”

For others, like Katherine Gage Boulud, the restaurateur and wife of the chef Daniel Boulud, the park serves as an heirloom.

“So many of us are mothers and daughters of people who have supported the park for a long time, and we bring our children here,” she said. She was wearing a Julia Clancey headband with fuchsia orchids attached to it and a pink beaded miniskirt suit set by Carolina Herrera.
“This has taken on an even greater importance since Covid, when everybody realized just how much we depend on the park,” Ms. Gage Boulud said.
ImageMarina Lalayants

ImageKrystyna Laukien
ImageKathleen Tait

It is the democratization of the green space that is important to Kathleen Tait, a philanthropist who has attended the luncheon for 20 years.

“People have said for a long time that this was the backyard of New York City, but it was not true for my dad growing up here, it was not true for us,” said Ms. Tait, who wore a fascinator with gardenias in the front and a floating dragonfly in the back. “I want to help push this forward.”

The Flourishing World of Central Park
This verdant tourist destination is a pleasure ground for locals, too.

36 Hours in Central Park: With its endless trails, hidden nooks, museums and nearby night spots, the park is a hub for both thriving activities and where one can find a more tranquil, timeless Manhattan.

Flaco’s Kingdom: Before his demise earlier in February, the Eurasian eagle-owl’s escape from the Central Park Zoo and subsequent life on the loose captured the public’s attention and hearts.

Shakespeare Hits the Road: To many people, Central Park in the summer equals Shakespeare in the Park. But this year, because of renovations at the theater traditionally hosting the productions, the show will step outside the confines of the park.

Regreening in the Park: A construction project next to the North Woods, involves remaking a part of the park that serves as a backyard for nearby blocks in East Harlem, where green spaces are sorely missing.

A Reporter’s Design: Ever wondered who designed one of Central Park? Read about the life of Frederick Law Olmsted, who helped create one of New York’s shining jewels.