2016年12月13日 星期二

SoftBank Vision Fund. Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund,

這個由軟體銀行、沙烏地阿拉伯主權財富基金攜手成立的「SoftBank Vision Fund」科技基金,資產管理規模上看1千億美元,大約與過去2.5年美國創投公司成立的基金規模相當。
蘋果這家全世界最大的科技公司,打算投資10億美元加入由日本軟銀成立全世界最大的科技私募基金「SoftBank Vision Fund」。

fund :《名詞》(1)資金,基金;積立金 (2)(知識・技能の)貯え (3)(fundsで)財源,所持金 (4)〔英〕公債
與foundation 基金會,有點關聯,不過它以營業/營利方式達成其主旨。


The Microsoft co-founder and his all-star line-up of fellow investors plan to announce tomorrow the Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund, which will begin making investments next year. The BEV fund, which has a 20-year duration, aims to invest in the commercialization of new technologies that reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in areas including electricity generation and storage, transportation, industrial processes, agriculture, and energy-system efficiency.

Perhaps the richest pool of investors ever assembled has come together to save the environment.

