2016年10月6日 星期四

Doctors Without Borders, Médecins sans frontières (MSF)


Médecins sans frontières (MSF) (pronounced [medsɛ̃ sɑ̃ fʁɔ̃tjɛʁ]), or Doctors Without Borders, is an international humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization (NGO) and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, best known for its projects in war-torn regions and developing countries facing endemic diseases. It was founded in France in response to the Biafran War.[1] The organization is known in most of the world by its localized name or simply as MSF; in Canada and the United States the name Doctors Without Borders is commonly used. In 2015 over 30,000, mostly local, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, logistical experts, water and sanitation engineers and administrators provided medical aid in over 70 countries.[2] These doctors and nurses decided to volunteer their time to solve issues of world health. Private donors provide about 90% of the organization's funding, while corporate donations provide the rest, giving MSF an annual budget of approximately US$750 million.[3]

  • 針對戰爭和內亂地區的民眾進行緊急醫療幫助
  • 針對難民和流亡的群眾進行醫療安置和協助
  • 天然或人為災難的緊急醫療支持
  • 長期對偏遠地區做醫療協助
無國界醫生組織積極地為70餘個國家人民提供衛生保健和醫療培訓,並且一貫堅持在衝突地區比如車臣科索沃的政治責任。在它的歷史上多次進行抗議活動, 包括在1994年盧安達種族屠殺中,該組織呼籲軍事干涉,以及對柬埔寨赤棉的屠殺等。

A new exhibit from Doctors Without Borders aims to show visitors what it's like to be a refugee, starting with a flimsy raft and ending in a cramped tent.

