Donald Trump's campaign has seized on embarrassing revelations of blurred lines between the Clinton Foundation and the family’s business interests, as fresh WikiLeaks emails cause their biggest political stir yet.
The Clinton Foundation accepted a $1million donation from Qatar for Bill's birthday
Clinton Foundation 利益衝突
海外捐贈困擾希拉蕊,柯林頓基金會恐構成潛在利益衝突:柯林頓一家設立的慈善基金會長期接收來自沙特、烏克蘭等國數億美元捐款。這種資金受贈關係引發利益衝突的擔憂,成了希拉蕊·柯林頓競選總統的軟肋。“If Hillary is elected president, the Clinton Foundation's work, funding, global reach, and my role in it will present questions that must be resolved in a way that keeps the good work going while eliminating legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest."
A trade group for the perfume industry paid Bill Clinton $260,000 to give a speech in January 2014. Later, a member of the group benefited from a Clinton Foundation project in Haiti. The timing shows the kind of overlapping of private and charitable interests that has become a political liability for his wife.
A review of the Clintons’ financial affairs suggests there are things to worry about as well as admire
"There is a clear disparity in the attention focused on Hillary Clinton’s supposed ethics problems and Donald J. Trump ’s."
2016 李登輝基金會募款餐會《補鼎續火–補歷史之鼎 續民主之火》
台灣歷經荷蘭、西班牙、明鄭、清朝 、日治 、國民黨政府等六個外來政權,都不曾獲得台灣人民同意就逕行統治,直至一九九六年人民可直選總統,主權在民才就此畫下分水嶺。
今年,我們將以《補鼎續火–補歷史之鼎 續民主之火》,作為募款餐會主題。期盼啟動憲政改造工程,讓台灣「脫古改新」。為此,我們需要 您繼續給予支持鼓勵!
時間:2016年9月24日(星期六) 下午6時入場