2016年9月25日 星期日

美國基金會百年大事記;Key Dates and Events in American Philanthropic History 1815 to Present

Key Dates and Events in American Philanthropic History 1815 to Present


Key Related Ideas
Accountability refers ethical and dependable actions of an individual's actions or organization. The term is usually used in the nonprofit sector to refer to the responsibility of a nonprofit organization to inform donors of the manner in which their gifts were used by the organization.  
Ethics is a system or code of conduct based on universal moral duties and obligations for individual and organizational behavior. It deals with the ability to distinguish good from evil, right from wrong, and propriety from impropriety.
Public Trust refers to citizens' expectations of an organization and their representatives to operate in a transparent and ethical manner.
Responsibility refers to tasks clearly defined in organizational policies, designated by position.
Transparency involves sharing information and acting in an open manner. Transparency allows stakeholders to gather information that may be critical to uncovering abuses and defending their interests. Transparent systems have clear procedures for public decision-making and open channels of communication between stakeholders and officials; transparency makes a wide range of information accessible.
Important People Related to the Topic
  • John Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919): Carnegie, one of the greatest philanthropists, stated publicly that the rich have a moral obligation to give away their fortunes. In 1889, he wrote The Gospel of Wealth , asserting that all personal wealth beyond a family's necessity should be regarded as a trust fund to be he benefit of the community (Grimm 2002).
  • John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937): Rockefeller, acquiring great wealth from oil refining and railroads, was the cornerstone for perhaps America's greatest philanthropic family. Continuing today through the fifth generation, he imparted values in the responsibility to be active in efforts to promote human welfare (ibid.).
  • Julius Rosenwald (1862-1932): Rosenwald, a well-known Chicago businessman, created and was active in the Rosenwald Fund. The Fund is best known for its contributions to the education and health of African Americans (ibid.).
  • Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage (1828-1918): Sage is considered to be one of the greatest female philanthropists of her time, giving to many women's organizations. Over an eleven-year period, she donated virtually all of the $75 million dollar fortune her husband had bequeathed to her (ibid.).
Related Nonprofit Organizations
  • The Council on Foundations is a nonprofit membership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations, addressing issues important to its members and to the whole nonprofit sector. The Council helps foundation staff, trustees and board members in their grantmaking and managing activities. Services provided by Council include one-to-one technical assistance, research, publications, conferences and workshops, legal services, and more ( http://www.cof.org ).
  • Independent Sector is nonpartisan coalition of many of " the nation's leading foundations, prominent and far-reaching nonprofits of all sizes, which represent thousands of organizations and millions of volunteers, donors, and people served" ( http://www.independentsector.org ).
  • The United Way of America is a large and important actor in the area of private philanthropy, consisting of approximately 1,400 community-based, independent, separately incorporated and locally governed United Way organizations. "UWA leads the movement through public relations, national brand advertising, the NFL partnership and the management of relationships with national corporate and philanthropic partners and the federal government" (United Way of America). UWA also offers training, consultation, mediation, conferencing, national research and support services to local United Way chapters. United Way funding is considered very valuable by nonprofit grantees because it may cover operational activities ( http://national.unitedway.org ).
Related Web Sites
The HistoryChannel.com Web site, at http://www.historychannel.com, provides historical sketches on issues, people and organizations relating to philanthropy and are accessible by typing in such search words as "philanthropy" and "charity."
The PBS American Experience Web site, at http://www.pbs.org/history, has a number of historical biographies and their contributions to philanthropy such as Andrew Carnegie and The Rockefellers.
The World of Quotes Web site, at http://www.worldofquotes.com, offers a large number of historical quotes from philanthropic leaders.

Bibliography and Internet Sources
Alexis de Tocqueville Tour Exploring Democracy in America. "All About Alexis de Tocqueville." http://www.tocqueville.org/chap1.htm.
Bremner, Robert H. American Philanthropy, 2nd ed. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1988. ISBN:0226073254.
Billitteri, Thomas. Donors Big and Small Propelled Philanthropy in the 20 th Century. Chronicle of Philanthropy . 13 January (2000). http://philanthropy.com/free/articles/v12/i06/06002901.htm.
BoardSource. "The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Implications for Nonprofit Organizations." (2003). http://www.independentsector.org/PDFs/sarbanesoxley.pdf.
Clotfelter, Charles T. and Thomas Ehrlich, ed. Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector in a Changing America . Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1999. ISBN:0253214831.
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. " Community Chest." (2001). http://www.bartleby.com/65/co/communit-ch.html.
Council on Foundations. "Timeline History of the Council on Foundations." http://www.cof.org/Content/General/Display.cfm?contentID=126.
Grimm, Robert T. Notable American Philanthropists: Biographies of Giving and Volunteering. Greenwood Press, 2002. ISBN: 1-57356-340-4.
Hammack, David C., ed. Making the Nonprofit Cector in the United States: a Reader. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1998. ISBN:0253214106/
Independent Sector. "About Us, Overview." http://www.independentsector.org/about/about-is.htm.
Marts, Arnaud C. Philanthropy's Role in Civilization: Its Contribution to Human Freedom . New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers, 1991. ISBN:0887384056.
McGrave, Friedman. Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History . Cambridge University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0-521-81989-x.
Rabinowitz, Alan. Social Change Philanthropy in America . New York, Westport, Connecticut, London: Quorum Books, 1990. ISBN: 0899305369.
Salamon, Lester M. America's Nonprofit Sector: A Primer, 2nd ed New York: The Foundation Center, 1999. ISBN:0879548010.
Touro Law Center. "Dartmouth College v. Woodward." http://www.tourolaw.edu/patch/CaseSummary.asp. Accessed 13 May 2004.
United Way of America. " United Way Mission and Vision." http://national.unitedway.org/about/summary.cfm.
This paper was developed by a student taking a Philanthropic Studies course taught at Grand Valley State University.

資宗筠著 《財富的責任與資本主義演變:美國百年公益發展的啟示》
附錄一  美國基金會百年大事記,  pp. 535-553。此附錄中文書的英文字大小寫有錯字。
 "For the Greater Good: Moments in the History of Philanthropy and the Council on Foundations." Washington, DC: Council on Foundations, 1999.
這篇史,是Council on Foundationshttp://www.cof.org  將20世紀美國善使漢自己組織混起來寫的。有趣的是,80年代日本汽車公司Honda等到美國製造,都有從事廠地區/地方的教育等慈善工作。

