2017年3月1日 星期三

Obama 夫婦簽新書,版稅中相當大一部分用來做慈善 The Obamas said they will donate a "significant portion" of the proceeds

After winning the bidding war for book deals with former President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, Penguin Random House says some of the books' proceeds will go to charity.

The Obamas said they will donate a "significant portion" of the proceeds -- the book deal is reportedly in the tens of millions -- to charities.

(德國之聲中文網)據路透社報導,企鵝蘭登書屋(Penguin Random House)擁有這兩本新書在全世界出版的版權。出版社方面沒有公佈協議的具體條款。
出版社在一份聲明中表示,依照過去的做法,奧巴馬計劃將版稅中相當大一部分用來做慈善,其中就包括用於奧巴馬基金會(Obama Foundation)。

