2017年3月17日 星期五

倫敦Dulwich Picture Gallery:為民眾提供藝術教育達200年

此小說有漢譯 【文尼莎與弗吉尼亞】Vanessa and Virginia南京大學出版社,2012
Vanessa Bell (1879-1961)
What's onVanessa Bell (1879-1961)
Delve into Vanessa Bell's experimental work with abstraction with co-curator Ian Dejardin:
In February 2017 Dulwich Picture Gallery will present the first major solo exhibition devoted to work by the British modernist painter, Vanessa Bell (1879-1961). Widely acclaimed as a central figure of the Bloomsbury Group, the modernist painter, Vanessa Bell also stands on her own as a pivotal play...

