2017年3月31日 星期五
富豪集團- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
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富豪集團(瑞典語:Volvokoncernen,法律上是Aktiebolaget Volvo,通常縮寫為AB Volvo,「Volvo」一詞為拉丁文,原意是「我在滾動」)是一家瑞典的跨國製造公司, ...(德國之聲中文網)德國《日報》週五(3月31日)關注中國的慈善事業,發表文章"不信任(Kein Vertrauen)"。文章指出:"中國超級沃爾沃的數量世界最多,北京的億萬富翁比紐約多。但是談及捐款意願,中國的沃爾沃就要遜色不少了。(騰訊公益慈善基金會發起人)陳一丹是特例之一。在英國慈善援助基金會(Charities Aid Foundation)的排行榜上,中國在145個國家和地區中列倒數第二位。安哥拉的人都比中國人要慷慨。"
2017年3月17日 星期五
倫敦Dulwich Picture Gallery:為民眾提供藝術教育達200年
此小說有漢譯 【文尼莎與弗吉尼亞】Vanessa and Virginia南京大學出版社,2012
Vanessa Bell (1879-1961)
Vanessa Bell (1879-1961)
What's onVanessa Bell (1879-1961)
Delve into Vanessa Bell's experimental work with abstraction with co-curator Ian Dejardin:
Delve into Vanessa Bell's experimental work with abstraction with co-curator Ian Dejardin:
In February 2017 Dulwich Picture Gallery will present the first major solo exhibition devoted to work by the British modernist painter, Vanessa Bell (1879-1961). Widely acclaimed as a central figure of the Bloomsbury Group, the modernist painter, Vanessa Bell also stands on her own as a pivotal play...
2017年3月15日 星期三
2017年3月11日 星期六
许多德国非政府组织活跃于中国的教育、环保、法律和健康领域。 |
2017年3月9日 星期四
周凱文(Kevin Chou)-Connie Chen 周氏夫婦大樓 柏克萊加大哈斯商學院
《金山人語》有這樣的校友真好 | 世界新聞網
周凱文(Kevin Chou)是柏克萊加大哈斯商學院畢業生,共同創立手機遊戲公司有成,承諾和華裔醫師妻子Connie Chen捐出2500萬美元給母校,以周氏夫婦命名的大樓今年內啟用。
這則讓人聯想到臉書創辦人查克柏格與越華裔妻子(Priscilla Chan,也是醫師)慷慨行善的事,新聞要素當然是錢數之大,絕大多數人幾輩子都賺不到。周凱文和另二位校友共創的Kabam去年底才將大部分資產以8億美元賣給南韓一家公司。他身價之高可想而知。
新聞還有兩大激勵人心的元素。第一,正如哈斯商學院長萊恩斯(Rich Lyons)所說,這對夫妻只30多歲,如此年輕就有心作出這麼大的捐獻。36歲的周凱文是柏克萊有史以來,40歲以下捐主裡捐款額最高的一位。
2017年3月3日 星期五
World Wide Fund for Nature. World Wildlife Day
The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961, working in the field of the wilderness preservation, and the reduction of humanity's footprint on the environment. Wikipedia
Founded: April 29, 1961, Morges, Switzerland
CEO: Marco Lambertini (May 1, 2014–)
Revenue: 654 million EUR (2013)
Chameleons aren't the only animals that can change colours—humans, too, have been known to go red in the face. On World Wildlife Day, we take a look at the science behind kaleidoscopic animals
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World Wildlife Day | |
World Wildlife Day logo
| |
Also called | Wildlife Day / WWD |
Observed by | All UN Member States |
Celebrations | To celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora |
Date | 3 March |
Next time | 3 March 2017 |
Frequency | annual |
On 20 December 2013, at its 68th session, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) decided to proclaim 3 March, the day of the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as World Wildlife Day, which was proposed by Thailand,[1] to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora.
[hide]UNGA Resolution[edit]
In its resolution,[2] the General Assembly reaffirmed the intrinsic value of wildlife and its various contributions, including ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic, to sustainable development and human well-being.
The General Assembly took note of the outcome of the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES, held in Bangkok from 3 to 14 March 2013, in particular Resolution Conf. 16.1[3] designating 3 March as World Wildlife Day, in order to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora, and recognized the important role of CITES in ensuring that international trade does not threaten the survival of species.[4]
The General Assembly requested the CITES Secretariat, in collaboration with relevant organizations of the United Nations system, to facilitate the implementation of World Wildlife Day.
2017: The 2017 theme is "Listen to the young voices".[5]
2016: The 2016 theme is "The future of wildlife is in our hands", with a sub-theme "The future of elephants is in our hands".
2015: The 2015 theme is "It’s time to get serious about wildlife crime".
^ “ワシントン条約”. 外務省. 2016年3月3日閲覧。
^ “Resolution Conf. 16.1”. CITES. 2016年3月3日閲覧。
^ “3日3日は「世界野生生物の日」です。~希少野生動植物種の取引のルールに関する広報・パネル展示・陳列を行います~(お知らせ)”. 環境省 (2016年2月26日). 2016年3月3日閲覧。
^ “ワシントン条約第16回締約国会議の結果概要について(お知らせ)”. 環境省 (2013年3月14日). 2016年3月3日閲覧。
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