2017年10月25日 星期三

紐約古典音樂電台WQXR 的勸募 2017:Procrastination is okay...the time is NOW

Procrastination is okay...the time is NOW

Let's  get back to the music
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We are coming to the finale of this fundraising drive. 

We  need to raise just under $30,000 in these next 3 hours of the drive to meet a critical goal of supporting music on WQXR.

So right now, for the last time this fund drive, we are asking you to stand with us and stand for classical music
I'm Ready to Support Music on WQXR
  • $60 for the music will be turned into $120…
  • $100 for the music will be turned into $200…
  • $500 for the music will be turned into $1,000!
There’s just no substitute for what WQXR offers every day. And there’s no substitute for what listener support does to make it possible!

With great thanks for the last time this drive,

Lisa Torres
Senior Membership Director

P.S. Your investment in WQXR in these last hours of the Fall Drive is essential to making the drive end on a successful note. Please act now!

