2020年1月24日 星期五

Giving to charity is a fig leaf.

fig leaf
  1. A stylized representation of the leaf of a fig, used especially to conceal genitals depicted in works of art.
  2. Something that serves as a usually insufficient concealment or camouflage: “Many fallen executives are still allowed the fig leaf of ‘resignation’” (David Pauly).
fig leaf:名詞,原指無花果葉,基督教聖經中的亞當與夏娃在發現自己裸體後即用無花果葉遮住自己的性器官,引申為指僅可蔽體之衣服,或指用來掩蓋尷尬問題 的事物,如Are the peace talks simply providing a fig leaf for the continuing aggression between the two countries?(和談是否只是為了掩飾這兩國之間的持續衝突?)

A statue of Mercury holding the caduceus in the Vatican, with a fig leaf placed over the genitalia. The fig leaf was placed there under the more "chastePopes; later, most such coverings were removed.
The expression "fig leaf" is widely used figuratively to convey the covering up of an act or an object that is embarrassing or distasteful with something of innocuous appearance, a metaphorical reference to the Biblical Book of Genesis in which Adam and Eve used fig leaves to cover their nudity after eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.[2][3] Some paintings and statues have the genitals of their subjects covered by a representation of an actual fig leaf or similar object, either as part of the work or added afterwards for perceived modesty.

"Bring your wealth home. Bring it out from the shadows, the tax havens, the opaque trusts and secret accounts. Shift capital out of the speculative financial sector and deploy it in service of humanity."

