2022年3月26日 星期六

The Three Graces. 慈善名家Sackler 家族的故(含阿片(Opioid)類藥物泛濫成災)......


談Minoru Betsuyaku (別役 実)的荒謬劇場:Factory Town、慈善名家Sackler 家族的故(含阿片(Opioid)類藥物泛濫成災)......事等等;他的『名画劇場』  (1985) 6篇 (收入柏谷譯《三美神:日本極短篇小說選》1992。畫的欣賞方式,The Three Graces 


Factory Town


British Museum to Remove Sackler Name From Its Walls

The decision comes just months after the Metropolitan Museum of Art said it would remove the family’s name from seven exhibition spaces.

在美國,含阿片(Opioid)類藥物泛濫成災......Opioid Deaths Are Spreading Rapidly into Black America: 美國阿片類藥物泛濫,260萬人嗑藥成癮,去年6萬4千人死於藥物過量America's heroin trail: A new generation of addicts. Heroin deaths surpass gun homicides for the first time, CDC data shows

**別役實(日語:別役 実べつやく みのる Betsuyaku Minoru */?,1937年4月6日-2020年3月3日),日本劇作家,兒童文學作家。是日本荒誕派戲劇奠基人。



《三美神:日本極短篇小說選》柏谷譯,台北:爾雅,1992: 別役實「名畫劇場」

  • 別役実の名画劇場 パロディ・シアター 王国社 1985

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The Three Graces may refer to:

  • Charites, three goddesses in Greek mythology (Euphrosyne, Aglaia, and Thalia), in whom beauty was deified

Arts and entertainment[edit]




  • The Three Graces, a 1908 opera that opened at the Chicago Opera House and starred such performers as Trixie Friganza
  • The Three Graces (Три грации), a 1988 Russian opera parody composed by Vladimir Tarnopolsky

Other uses[edit]

  • Theological virtues, specifically faith, hope and charity
  • The Three Graces, consisting of the Royal Liver Building, Cunard Building and Port of Liverpool Building on the Pier Head in Liverpool, England
  • The Three Graces of Admin, three minor characters in the British situation comedy Campus
  • "The Bachelor and Three Graces", a set of four sequoia trees growing, with intertwined roots, in Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park


別役 実(べっちゃく みのる、べつやく みのる 1937年4月6日 - 2020年3月3日)は、日本の劇作家童話作家評論家随筆家である[1][2]サミュエル・ベケットの影響を受け、日本の不条理演劇を確立した第一人者である。日本藝術院会員。

In Greek mythology, a Charis (/ˈkrɪs/GreekΧάριςpronounced [kʰáris]) or Grace is one of three or more goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, goodwill, and fertility, together known as the Charites /ˈkærɪtz/ (Χάριτες [kʰáritɛs]) or Graces.[1] The usual roster, as given in Hesiod, is Aglaea ("Shining"), Euphrosyne ("Joy"), and Thalia ("Blooming").[2][1] Hesiod states that Aglaea is the youngest of this group and the wife of Hephaestus.[3] In Roman mythology they were known as the Gratiae, the "Graces". In some variants, Charis was one of the Charites, who was equated with Aglaea rather than a singular form of the name, as she too is referred to as the wife of Hephaestus.[4]

The Charites were usually considered the daughters of Zeus and Oceanid Eurynome.[2] Rarely, they were said to be daughters of Dionysus and Coronis[5] or of Helios and the Naiad Aegle[6][7] or of Hera by an unnamed father.[8] Other possible names of their mother by Zeus are EurydomeEurymedousa, or Euanthe.[9] Homer identified them as part of the retinue of Aphrodite. The Charites were also associated with the Greek underworld and the Eleusinian Mysteries.

In painting and sculpture, the three Charites or Graces are often depicted naked or almost naked, however, during the Archaic and Classical periods of Greece, they were typically depicted as fully clothed.[1]

2022年3月18日 星期五

賑濟烏克蘭專戶突破6.78億 (3.17前)外交部統籌,中國不爽

https://news.ltn.com.tw › breakingnews

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3.17前    21 hours ago — 目前捐款筆數達10.9萬筆,透過轉帳匯款帳戶比例為55%,線上多元支付比例為45%。 自3月2日開設烏克蘭專案帳戶以來,賑災基金會撥付外交部共計4.5億元,此外,因我國災

2022年3月15日 星期二

Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme launches in UK


Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme launches in UK


1 則留言

  • Hanching Chung
    Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme launches in UK - BBC Newshttps://www.bbc.co.uk › news › uk-60741942
    2 hours ago — The government has launched its Homes for Ukraine site for those wanting to host a refugee, with 89,000 signing up within the first day.
    UK households offered £350 a month for hosting refugees - BBChttps://www.bbc.co.uk › news › uk-60724111
    2 days ago — There will also be £10000 per refugee for local authorities, but critics say the plan falls short.

2022年3月10日 星期四

Airbnb 上「只訂不住」Airbnb donations fund 15,000 meals a day in Kyiv


"People are booking rooms, and they consider it a donation because nobody will come to a hotel right now - of course, we're in the centre of a war."
金援 #烏克蘭 除了捐款之外,全球網友發起了一項新的活動,在 #Airbnb 上「只訂不住」,讓住宿費能夠直接支援在烏克蘭的房東們,官方也加入支援,取消服務費用,同時暫停在俄羅斯、白俄羅斯營運外,非營利部門Airbnb.org也發起計畫,提供資金協助多達10萬名烏克蘭難民解決短期住宿需求。